Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, are the most popular platforms for users. They are not just for texting or posting personal posts but in the last decade, social media are a very useful tool to promote products and services.
Although it may sounds easy, it takes hours and courses to learn how to handle social media in order to attract more clients. There is even a special job as social media manager or whole departments in companies that they focus on strategies they will follow. A post can cost or bring money to your business therefore it is really important to be carefully planned.
The content of each post must be short and smart and carefully planned. If you are promoting products they must be posted randomly, covering all areas. Posts must be scheduled a few times per day and they should be accompanied by images which will be bright and clean. The final cause is to engage more social media users and potential customers.
Social media also offer their own analytics tools which allow companies to see how much traffic their page or account get from campaigns on Facebook or Instagram.
If you are not very familiar with social media planning and strategies, check what your competitors or other companies in different industries do and then adjust all the information to your business profile.